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Heaven Scent Page 4
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Page 4
“I am so happy you are here with me, Sasha,” he murmurs against my curls in a reverent tone as he cuddles me into his chest.
We spend the rest of the day in bed, talking, laughing, exploring each other’s bodies. It is days before we truly come up for air and if I could just stay in Dominic Alden’s bed forever, I would.
A week after mating my little omega, I pace the entry way of my home, an unfamiliar emotion gripping me. What if he doesn’t like it? What if he thinks I am being too forward or attempting to exert too much control over his life? Shaking my head, I refuse to second guess myself on my first present to my beloved Sasha. He will love it, I am sure of it. Or rather, I wish I were sure of it. Anxiety being foreign to my nature, I am so completely thrown by my own trepidation that I do not hear him come down the stairs from the second floor.
“Dominic?” His voice holds a tone of surprise. “Are you okay? You seem to be nervous. I know we have only been mated a week,” a blush creeps up his face now, “but I would have said you are never nervous about anything. What is wrong?”
He stands in front of me, tilting his head up to look into my eyes, as he crowds into my personal space. His scent of coffee and cloves washes over me, calming my entire being immediately. I feel a smile pulling across my face. I am so proud and lucky to have him as my own.
“A surprise, omega mine. I am just being silly. Either you will like it, or you won’t. No use being anxious over it. Come, let us go and see your present.”
His entire demeanor changes and his face lights up with his brilliant, sweet smile. “A present for me? Oh, Dominic, I am sure I will love it because . . .” He pauses and bites his pink bottom lip, causing me to groan. A giggle slips out of him at my reaction.
“What?” I question gruffly, love and desire already thickening my throat, as it does whenever I am in such close proximity to my mate. Sasha takes a deep breath, blowing it out slowly, as if steeling himself to make some grand pronouncement.
“I love you, Dominic. How that is possible after only a week, I do not know. But, I think I loved you the moment I saw your dark brown eyes and your strong, handsome face.” A soft laugh, then he continues in a teasing tone, “it helps that you smell so wonderful.”
Joy erupts in my chest and I clasp him to me, taking his lips in a voracious kiss. Before long, he is whimpering and writhing against me, his hands fisted in my button down as mine hold his hair tightly as I ravage his mouth.
“I love you, too, Sasha, omega mine,” I murmur against his kiss damp lips when we finally part. “Something drew me into the bookstore that day and I am blessed beyond words that it was you.” Pausing for a few more soft kisses, I finally pull away and smooth his hair, which my fingers had rumpled.
“Come now, little one, we must go see your present now.”
He smiles and takes my hand as I lead the way to my car. As I drive us downtown, he takes to guessing what his present could be.
“Did you adopt me a kitten?”
“A puppy, then?”
“No, nothing alive, though this gift will take work to keep healthy.”
“Hmm. . .” his forehead creases as he thinks. Sighing, he leans back in his seat and smiles at me. “I have no clue. I guess I will be surprised after all.”
“I hope it is a happy surprise.”
“I fully expect it will be since it comes from you.”
When I pull into the central downtown parking lot, Sasha looks confused. “My present is here?”
Inclining my head, I exit my car and come around to open his door. A faint blush steals across his cheeks and god, I would do anything to keep him blushing for me forever.
“Come now, let us go see your present.”
When we walk into the Book Nookery, Sasha flashes me a confused glance. “You ordered me a book?”
I shake my head as an older gentleman bustles up to us. “Oh, Mr. Alden and Sasha, right on time. It is so nice to see you again, Sasha. I am so sorry to hear you were ill last week. But Mr. Alden assured me you would be right as rain and here you are!”
Sasha looks back and forth between me and his boss. A flash of surprise lights up his eyes. “Oh, um, yes, Mr. Wilson. I am much better now.” His look slides into disappointment and he ducks his head, hiding his eyes. I hope what is coming next will make up for the unhappiness he is clearly feeling because I lied to his boss about his sudden absence.
“Come right this way, gentleman. The paperwork is all drawn up.”
Wilson turns and leads us toward the back. Sasha steps closer to me and whispers, “Why did you lie? It is common to take a mate suddenly.” His face is strained with worry and I see a sheen of tears in his eyes. “Were you ashamed to tell him we’re mated?”
Clearly, I have made a mistake in how I arranged this meeting. “No, of course not,” I whisper back. As we reach the store’s office, Wilson opens the door and I place my hand on the small of Sasha’s back and guide him forward. “You first, my love.”
Wilson and Sasha both snap their heads up in surprise, but it is Wilson who responds first with a hearty laugh. “Oh! Of course, now it all makes sense. Do come into my office.”
After we have settled in his office chairs, with Wilson seated across the desk from us, Sasha’s boss turns to him with a warm smile.
“Sasha, why didn’t you just tell me you found your mate?”
Clearing my throat, I draw Wilson’s attention to me. “I do believe that is my fault, Mr. Wilson. I did not want to overstep with such private information. So when I called you, I fibbed about Sasha’s health. I do hope I did not worry you. Sasha had no clue I called or even why we are here.”
Both men look at me with an entertainingly similar expression of shock.
“Why are we here, Dominic?” Sasha’s voice is wary, a wholly unfamiliar tone from my omega. “Are you trying to make me quit my job?” A thundercloud falls down his face and he jumps up out of his chair, anger etched across his features. “You said. . .”
I cut him off by grabbing his hand and tugging him back down into his seat. “No, Sasha, this is going all wrong. I would never force you out of work. I want you to do what you love.”
Wilson, thankfully, interjects with something helpful this time. “Oh, no, Sasha, your alpha is purchasing the entire store.”
Sasha’s expression is still one of complete and utter confusion. “You want me to work for you?” His tone tells me he does not like the thought of that arrangement.
“No. Look at the name on the paperwork. I am buying it for you.”
Wilson pushes the contract across his desk and Sasha picks it up with a trembling hand.
“You bought me the Book Nookery? Why?”
Relief causes me to laugh and Sasha gives me an exasperated look.
“It is not funny, you know. You could have said something on the way over. You scared the crap out of me, Dominic. I thought you went back on your word, that you wanted to control my life when you promised you didn’t.”
My error dawns on me like thunder. Pulling his other hand into both of mine, I clasp it tightly. “Oh, no, Sasha, I just want to make you happy. I already know how much you love this place. I think you should have it all for your own.”
Finally, a smile peeks out. “You bought me a bookstore?” His tone is a mixture of astonishment and joy.
“Yes, I bought you your bookstore. And don’t forget, your café is inside of it. This will always be a special place to me, since it is the spot on earth where I first laid eyes on my mate.” Pausing, I breathe a moment before asking the most important question. “Will you accept my gift?”
Sasha nods enthusiastically and hops into my lap, the contract still clasped tightly in one hand as he devours my lips. The entire scene would have gone triple x rated in a matter of seconds if good old Mr. Wilson had not chuckled so loudly at our display.
My omega jumps from my lap and plops back into his own chair. �
��Sorry,” he mutters to his now former boss, who leans back in his own seat and laughs some more.
Wiping a tear from the corner of one eye, he waves away Sasha’s apology for our behavior. “No reason to apologize. New love is like that. All fiery passion and swirling emotion. You two remind me of how I felt when I first met my Margie.”
The older man clears his throat then and picks up a pen, directing it toward Sasha. “So, now that you’ve settled it all with your alpha, do we have a deal?”
Sasha signs the slightly crumbled contract, then slides it over to his former boss. I pull a manila envelope out of my jacket pocket and place it on top of the contract.
“The bank transfer receipt is in there. Everything is official now.”
Turning to face my omega, I smile. “Congratulations, Sasha, you now own the largest bookstore in town. I am positive you will do well with it.”
Wilson laughs when Sasha’s face flashes to worry, clearly at his new-found responsibilities. “No worries, son, I am not retired just yet. If you had bothered to read the contract before signing it, you would have seen that I am staying on as your manager and guide for at least another year. Thanks to Mr. Alden here and his generous salary offer. My Margie thanks you.”
Dipping my head in acknowledgement, I laugh. “Tell her I said, ‘You’re welcome.’”
Sasha and Wilson agree on a start date for training one more week out because, as Wilson chortles at us, “You are still on your honeymoon. Now, scoot, both of you.”
Sasha refuses to keep his hands off of me in the car, using every stoplight as an excuse to cup my erection through my slacks. He whispers dirty, sweet nothings to me in between shy little licks against my neck and ear, with the smallest of nibbles along my chin. He must grow impatient with the short drive from his newly acquired establishment and our home, because half-way there, he unbuttons the top of my shirt and slips his hand inside, pinching my nipple as his small teeth gnaw gently on my clavicle.
“I want to eat you up,” he whispers into my ear as I pull the car into our driveway.
Jumping out of the vehicle quickly, I nearly run around to his side to yank open the door.
I snatch him up into my arms and carry him to the porch. After a ridiculously long time in getting ourselves inside the house, I strip him naked in our foyer, then carry him upstairs to our room like the bride he is. Laying him on the bed, I strip myself and grab his ankles, shoving his legs up as I dive my tongue directly into his hole. I am rewarded with a squeak, then his soft moans of my name as I alternate between loving laps of my tongue and aggressive plunges into him.
Before long, I have him writhing on my lubed-up fingers.
“Another,” he begs, so I withdraw two and slowly press three back inside, rotating my wrist so the pads skim his prostate, sending a shiver through his body.
“Dominic!” He calls to me over and over as he plunges his ass down on my digits with increasing force.
“More,” he chokes out, and if my dick weren’t already throbbing, I am sure it would swell even more at the pleading note in his voice.
I lick the underside of his dick as he squeals and begs, his ass spasming around my fingers. His cock grows harder, flushing a darker pink, and I know he is close. So I take him into my mouth, bobbing quickly up and down until his head is in my throat. I swallow hard twice and know by the tell-tale throbbing of his cock, that he will come soon. I drop him from my mouth and press his thighs further apart with one hand and shoulder while the other fingers are still occupied plunging in and out of his glorious hole. Sasha’s entire body stiffens and he chokes out a desperate cry as his body flies over the edge.
As his orgasm flows over him and cum shoots out of his dick, I grab it tightly in my free hand, the warm fluid turning me on even more as it drips down my fingers. His hips thrust up as the muscles between his legs from his hole, up his perineum, to the base of his dick contract, flex, then release. Over and again. It is a glorious sight to behold. The spasms flow up into his abdominals and down into his thighs. Spread out as he is like a buffet before me, I unrelentingly continue to massage his prostate and roughly jerk his cock, prolonging his orgasm by many minutes. His body shakes as it rides out the powerful waves. His moans, gasps, and whimpers are the best, most seductive music I have ever heard. Just when I think I have coaxed all of his cum out of him, he gives out a high-pitched whine and one final spurt flows from his cock and over my fingers where I clasp his base.
“Please,” he moans, exhaustion evident in his voice. “I need your knot.”
Grinning down at him, I nod. “Yes, my omega. Now that you've asked so prettily, I can do nothing but give you what you need.”
He hums as I pull my fingers from his ass and lean over his beautiful naked body. I pause a moment so I can lick some of his cum from my other hand before I add the rest of it to his already lube soaked entrance. Grasping his hip with one hand, I guide my fully engorged dick to his hole, swirling the head against the sensitive nerve endings around the outside. Slowly, I push my cock into his ass. Loosened though he is by my fingers, he is still so snug and perfect. His eyes roll back in his head as my thick alpha cock slides against his prostate.
“Yessssss,” he hisses.
I would worry about over-stimulation, but I know my little omega boy likes it this way. Though we have been together barely a week, I already know I can keep him coming for hours before he gives out. Sometimes he rides my knots, sometimes my fingers, and just last night, he rode my whole fucking fist. Who knew such a tiny, beautiful man could need so much sexual ecstasy to be satisfied. Just wait until he's pregnant, I think. I chuckle, and he opens his eyes. Locking my gaze with his, I shove in the last inch and he squeaks. My dick throbs and his walls flutter around me, the feeling one of pure carnal joy.
“God, I fucking love your sounds. I want to fuck you until you pass out, then hold still inside you until you come to, then ride you more. I never want to be parted from your body. I belong inside you forever.” I punctuate every sentence with a hard lunge and a slow withdraw, not get giving him my all, building up the buzzing need I can feel inside his channel as he grasps my arms tightly. Suddenly he raises his ass higher, wrapping his thin legs around my waist, allowing me to sink even further inside of his glorious body.
Amazingly, his cock is hardening again between us. I reach down and I stroke it softly while his whole body shivers.
“Please, alpha,” he whispers, “fuck me.”
I pull back from him on a withdraw and carefully pry his thighs from around me. Pushing them open wider and higher against the bed, I slide out of him slowly. I watch as his naked body flushes and his skin pebbles in goose bumps. Without warning, I shove all the way back in hard and he gives me that scream I crave so badly.
“Yes, baby, wail for me while I ride you to heaven and back.”
“Yes, ride me, oh my god.”
His screams make me ferocious, and I pull his ass higher, grinding against his exposed flesh. I thrust forward again as hard as possible. Sliding my hands up his thighs where I have them pinned, I grab his hips and I pull his body down my cock like a glove.
Holding myself inside of him like that, I grind against his prostate, then repeat the rough plunges over and over. His ass slaps against me so loudly as he cries out again and again. Then with a twitch, my knot starts to inflate, and I slam his hips down on the bed covering him with my whole body as I grind my hips and my cock inside of him rubbing harshly against his prostate with every motion. He is wailing non-stop now and I love it so goddamn much.
Letting go of one hip, I grab his cock and very roughly stroke it, rhythmically clenching and unclenching and just like that we fly apart together. My orgasm slams into me as I pump so much cum into him and his muscles seize around me. Cum spills from his beautiful cock as his body clamps down on me tightly.
We reach that highest plane of ecstasy as his body locks around mine in that unrelenting
squeeze. My muscles lock and throw me into a higher orgasm. I barely breathe as the bliss is almost too much to bear.
Only sex with a fated mate can bring such ecstasy and I float in its almost painful grip as his body milks my knotted cock, his ongoing muscle clench slowly becoming tighter and tighter, before it finally releases several minutes later, the waves of orgasm crashing through us both until they fade out to tiny, sudden after-shocks.
“Umph,” my love makes a tiny whimper as the twinges rock through him. I murmur my love into his ear before kissing his soft lips as we let our hands roam over each other’s sweat slicked bodies, petting each other down from the pinnacle.
Five years later
Celebrating our fifth anniversary with a tropical island vacation was a promise Dominic made me on the night we mated. Bending my naked body over a hammock strung between two palm trees just as the sun is setting on our first night here is the part of this promise I know Dominic most looks forward to fulfilling. As he arranges me, with my toes in the soft, warm sand, my hardening cock cradled by the soft ropes, I clench my fists around the edges of the hammock and sigh.
Dominic kisses my neck again, but rises up to look over my shoulder, searching my face for any signs of discomfort or unhappiness. Because he is my alpha, he is so attuned to my care and needs. As he watches me patiently, I confess what I truly want. “Put a baby in me, Dominic.”
My alpha gasps, his shock and joy rocketing through me along our mate bond, making my cock harder still as it strains against the soft rope of the hammock.